can you be my doctor

They call me Slimi Jimi Bubby Boy and I mess with my friends a lot
But that's just because I dig them so damn bad and I clown when I smoke my pot (Yeah)
Together we done so much fun shit in our days I don't remember the half
But that's just because little baby girl most of the time I was drunk of my ass
"They call me Slimi Jimi Bubby Boy and I mess with my friends a lot
But that's just because I dig them so damn bad and I clown when I smoke my pot (Yeah)
Together we done so much fun shit in our days I don't remember the half
But that's just because little baby girl most of the time I was drunk of my ass"

Sitter och sjunger på världens bästa band, HOFFMAESTRO & CHRAA, taggar såhär till matchen mot Trelleborg.

Ska upp och äta nu, sen sticker jag och möter upp Minela och så vidare till samling.

Ciao, ciao, ciao, ciao, ciao!

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